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2006 results for debian-user's favourite FLOSS

Last year (and the year before) I asked debian-user which of the
thousands of available FLOSS was their favourite. I 'd like to do the
same for this year (on another mail, so hurry not with your picks).

Here's last year's results:

audio editor:
* audacity (8) -> 2005 winner

audio player:
* xmms (9)
* Amarok (4) -> 2005 winner

* abcde, grip (6)
* sound-juicer (5) -> 2005 winner

desktop OR window manager:
* GNOME (8) -> 2005 winner
* KDE (6)
* Fluxbox (5)
* Xfce4 (4)

* MySQL (4) -> 2005 winner
* PostgreSQL (3)

* Python (9)
* GTK+ (4)
* GCC, G++ (3)

disc burner:
* K3b (12) -> 2005 winner
* X-CD-Roast (4)
* wodim, gnomebaker (3)

e-mail client:
* mutt (13)
* Thunderbird/Icedove (7) -> 2005 winner
* kmail, Mozilla (4)
* Sylpheed (3)

file manager:
* MC (7) -> 2005 winner
* Nautilus (7)
* Konqueror (6)
* bash (5)
* Thunar, emelFM (3)

* gnucash (4) -> 2005 winner

ftp client:
* gftp (6) -> 2005 winner
* ncftp (4)
* llftp (3)

image editor:
* GIMP (21)
* ImageMagick (3)

image viewer:
* GQview (9)
* gthumb (8) -> 2005 winner

instant messenger:
* Gaim (11) -> 2005 winner
* centericq (3)

* bc, Octave , gnuplot (3)

misc utilities:
* grep (19)
* sudo (16) -> 2005 winner
* wget (16)
* ssh (10)
* lsof (7)
* less (6)
* Bash, ls, su, locate,sed (4)

* aMule (3) -> 2005 winner

package manager:
* aptitude (16) -> 2005 winner
* apt (13)
* synaptic (7)

* xpdf (13)
* evince (8)
* kpdf (4)

* OpenOffice.org Calc (14)
* gnumeric (13)

system monitoring:
* top (13) -> 2005 winner

tag editor:
* easytag (5) -> 2005 winner
* ex-falso (4)
* id3v2 (3)

terminal emulator:
* gnome-terminal (9) -> 2005 winner
* xterm, Konsole (7)
* rxvt, xfce4-terminal (3)

text editor:
* vim (15)
* gedit (9) -> 2005 winner
* Emacs (9)
* nano (7)
* vi (4)

video player:
* mplayer (17) -> 2005 winner
* VLC (7)
* Xine (6)
* Totem (5)
* Kaffeine (4)

web browser:
* Firefox (21)
* Epiphany, Mozilla/Seamonkey (6)
* dillo (4)
* Konqueror (3)

* OpenOffice.org Writer (15)
* abiword (9)
* LaTex (3)
* lyx (3)

* Gnu Hurd (3)

(great honours):
* Linux (12)
* GCC (11)
* GLibC (10)
* Bash (10)
* Xorg (11)
* Debian (3)

* games [ nethack (4) ]
* 3D animation [ blender (7) ]
* web-server [ apache (3) ]

* pdf-reader [acrobat-reader (9)]
* web-browser [ Opera (4) ]

my place on the web:

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