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Re: Intel Deluxe PC Camera

On Sunday 04 November 2007, Marc Shapiro wrote:

> It looks like the driver module that I need is spca501.  There is a
> source package for Etch:
>     spca5xx-source
> What is the best way to compile this?  I generally just use stock
> kernels and the modules that come with them so I am unfamiliar with
> compiling modules separately for a kernel that I already have.  Once I
> do have the module compiled, will udev/hotplug load the driver at
> boot-up, or should I add it to /etc/modules?
> --
> Marc Shapiro
> mshapiro_42@yahoo.com


I use module-assitant and modconf  (apt-get install module-assistant modconf) 
to manage modules that I have to compile.

Do this:

sudo m-a

It will put up a dialogue box, and then you need to first prepare the build by 
downloading the kernel headers.  Then choose select and check the 
spca5xx-source, and it should download it for you.  Then build it and install 
it.  These are all menu selectable items in module assitant.

Then I use modconf to select the modules so load.  

With those two toosl, dealing with modules is really quite straightforward and 


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