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RE: Mounting an ext2 filesystem at mount point with specific uid, gid

Title: Mounting an ext2 filesystem at mount point with specific uid, gid
The permissions and user/group ids are stored on the ext2 partition.
As always ;-)
The fact that the ount point has one set of those before, and another after mount can be a bit confusing.
To clarify :
After mount, the root of the filesytem on /dev/hda1 becomes /home/storage/store.
The original /home/storage/store directory is hidden until hda1 is umounted.
PS: Why can I not send to debian-user and why was my unsubscribe REQUEST ignored ?

From: anomatos@freemail.gr [mailto:anomatos@freemail.gr]
Sent: Fri 21-Sep-07 14:15
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Mounting an ext2 filesystem at mount point with specific uid, gid


I'm using debian 4.0r1. I have an ext2 partition at /dev/hda1 and want to mount
it at /home/storage/store. The /etc/fstab record I use is as follows:

/dev/hda1   /home/storage/store    ext2   defaults   0   4

Before I mount it, the command "ls -al /home/storage" yields:

drwxr-xr-x 2 storage storage 4096 2007-09-19 17:42 store

Which is of course empty. After the mount, which is successfull, the command "ls -al /home/storage" yields:

drwxrwsr-x 10    505    505 4096 2007-09-21 16:03 store

It seems that system assigns the directory hierarchy under 'store' to an unknown user/groupid, for security purposes I suppose. But I want it to assign it to user 'storage' & group 'storage'

How can I do that?

Although it seems a very basic administrative task, I haven't found a way to do it.

I would greatly appreciate any help

Antonis Tsakiridis

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