wouldn't it be easier to use 'sux' instead (do 'aptitude install sux' to install it)? i presume you are using kdm or some other login manager - this is exactly the kind of problems one encounters with all these [gkx...]dm's. executing graphical applications by root during the session of normal user works fine for me now.In einem Terminal in KDE kann ich zwar mit su root werden, aber ich kann keine KDE-Programme starten. Beispiel: PlayMobil:# kwrite Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server Xlib: No protocol specified kwrite: cannot connect to X server :0If I understand you correctly, your problem is that root is not authorised to connect to the X server. The way I work around this (which might be not the best one) is to create a symlink to /home/davide/.Xauthority in /root/ (of course, change /home/davide/ to the path of your home folder), because my machine is single-user; more complicated situations might require the use of xauth. See man xauth and man Xsecurity.
regards, -- Lubos _@_" http://www.lubos.vrbka.net