Re: Is it a BUG????
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Ramesh j wrote:
> This issue is not in windows. It boots properly after entering it
> shows the system date is wrong. But in Debian it takes long time to
> boot because of check disk. would u think it is a problem and it
> should be fixed in the upcoming releases.
[Putting this back on list]
This is not in windows, because in windows, as far as I remember,
filesystems are never checked when the system is shut down cleanly.
Debian's default settings provide for occasional file system checks to
verify that your filesystem is ok and not suffering form (gradual)
corruption by bad disks, bad cables, bad memory, or kernel bugs (kernel
bugs are very unlikely for an etch system, I guess). Bad disks, cables
and memory corruption occur on windows as well, but the user will only
notice when it is too late to fix anything. I have more than once
rescued data from a windows system that was inaccessible by windows, but
a good deal of the data could still be read with linux tools.
These file system checks are a measure to protect you from data loss. If
you don't want this protection, you can configure your system to skip
these tests. Read 'man tune2fs' and look at the options -c and -i. If I
were you, I would rather spend the few cents to replace the battery and
sleep better, having the knowledge that my linux does filesystem checks
*before* problems become unfixable. YMMV.
So really these tests are a feature I and many others cherish. It is
certainly not a bug.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
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