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Re: linux on ipod nano?

On Wed, 2007-08-29 at 15:08 +0100, Richard Lyons wrote:
> In fact, I mis-reported in the original post.  I am using gtkpod, not
> gpod.  Gtkpod has two strange charactistics, but seems to be ususally
> workable.  The oddities are
>   - if you create an extra copy of the ipod by mistake (or when trying
>     things out), there seems to be no way to delete it again, other than
>     identifying the relevant lines in the ~/.gtkpod/prefs file.  I have
>     not tried this method incase I mess it up.
>   - it has two copies of the same window offering "Artist" "Album"
>     "Genre" etc tabs, and I have no idea why one is not enough.
> Until I do damage the filesystem, I've decided to accept the occasional
> error messages and continue simply unplugging it when it wont eject.
> Then I'll delete the ripped files that failed to copy from the computer
> on the assumption they are faulty in some way.  I am going to leave
> experimentation with ipodlinux as at
>     http://www.linux.com/articles/53221
> for another day, when I have an ipod spare...
> Thanks for your comments.

I'm using gtkpod also; meanwhile, anxiously awaiting Floola to make its
way to Debian.  I don't use gtkpod to mount / unmount my nano, though.
I launch gtkpod after the nano is plugged in and mounted, and exit it
with the nano still mounted.  Have you considered using another tool for
automounting your device, or just mounting and unmounting manually with
mount / umount?

Michael M. ++ Portland, OR ++ USA
"No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions
of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to
dream." --S. Jackson

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