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Re: USB ports not responding

Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately the X40 does not have a CD drive, and the only way I can connect one is through USB (which does not work).

It seems like Debian finds the hardware for the USB and installs all the host controllers. The same thing happened when I was running windows. All hardware is detected and seems to be working fine, but nothing happens when I plug something in.

Can I check somehow in Debian if the USB ports have enough power? Is there any log messages written when I plug something in? It says that udev is supposed to add and remove devices in /dev, but nothing happens when I plug something in.

On 9/2/07, Carl Fink <carl@finknetwork.com> wrote:
On Sat, Sep 01, 2007 at 08:38:00PM +0200, Rickard Lindberg wrote:

> I'm not sure if this problem is hardware or software related. Do you think
> that my USB-ports might have become physically damaged? Is there any way in
> Debian to debug the USB-ports to see what is going on?

It's fairly easy to tell:  boot with a Knoppix or other LiveCD and see if
USB works.

Debian USB support (at least in Testing) continues to be unreliable.  Just
Thursday I plugged in my own removable hard drive, which worked fine as
/dev/sde.  I removed it, used it on another box, then plugged it back in to
transfer files ... and no detection, no /dev/sde existed, and no messages in
/var/log/messages when I plugged or unplugged it.  I tried restarting udev,
and even rmmod'ed all USB related modules and re-modprobed them, and it
still won't detect the drive.
Carl Fink                                   nitpicking@nitpicking.com

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