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Re: All New rc2.d Scripts get Ignored. Debian from KNOPPIX

Martin McCormick wrote:
	I installed the newest and probably last Oralux KNOPPIX
distribution from a live CD to the hard disk on a laptop and it
almost works right. I must not have the right magic touch
because I needed to add 2 more startup scripts in /etc/rc2.d in
order to start a software speech synthesizer and to start sshd
which I do want to enable on bootup for remote login capability.
Neither script starts on its own during the run-level 2 phase of
booting though all other scripts with higher as well as lower
sequence numbers do successfully start. The only thing these 2
starts have in common is that I put them there. One references
../init.d/ssh which was already sitting in /etc/init.d. I
figured the link wasn't there as a security measure because you
don't need sshd if you don't want remote logins from other

	The other references ../initd/speechd-up which starts
the software synthesizer.

	Both scripts are executable and will start and run
perfectly after the system boots and one su's to root and
manually starts them, but they act as if they aren't even there
when they should be starting.

	I even made a third script called got_this_far which
does absolutely nothing but echo a line to standard output. The
boot process misses that one also.

	By testing the scripts, I call them the way init would

/etc/rc2.d/S20ssh start

	That works every single time I call it manually.

	Any suggestions on how to see inside the logic that is
keeping these 3 scripts from running?

	Thank you.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ Stillwater, OK Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group


During startup, /etc/inittab uses the /etc/init.d/rc script to run the various scripts in the rc?.d directories. It has a commented out line for debugging. If you uncomment it, from what I can see, it will tell you what it's doing. It looks like this will propagate to the scripts that it runs, so you may expect to see a lot of stuff printed during boot.

But you should be able to tell what it's doing just before your scripts are supposed to run.

You could also add a 'set -x' near the beginning of the 'rc' script and a 'set +x' at the end, to just see what it's doing. The 'set' command only affects the running shell, not subshells.

You've already covered all the other possible problems I could think of, good luck in debugging.

Bob McGowan
Symantec, Inc.

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