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Re: RAID vs Multiple Drives

Miles Fidelman wrote:
Adrian Hall wrote:

    Put RAID 5 into Google and you should be able to find out plenty
    more information - it's been a while since I had to deal with RAID
    so my descriptions are a little vague.
    Someone else on this list will likely give a better description.

last time I looked, wikipedia had a pretty good background article on RAID

One element regarding RAID, not explicitly mentioned but implied: it lets you combine 2 or more disks into a logical device that can be much larger than the underlying hardware. So if you deal with, say, image files that are hundreds of megabytes in size, you can put them in a place where you can store more than 5 or 6 (or whatever).

True RAID (redundant array of inexpensive disks) provides redundancy (a disk can die, be replaced and rebuilt), possibly performance enhancement (writes to stripes across many disks, distributing the I/O load) and capacity increases (as described above).

Bob McGowan

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