Re: how hot is my xeon?
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote in Article <f5ti57$nlv$> posted to
> Paul Johnson wrote:
>> Mike McCarty wrote in Article <> posted to
>> gmane.linux.debian.user:
>>> michael wrote:
>>>> I've tried unsuccessfully to monitor my dual Xeon box but lm-sensors
>>>> doesn't seem to detect anything. I've a Intel Server Board SE7320SO2
>>> Even if it did, unless you've calibrated the thing you won't know
>>> the temp.
>>>> with two 3. GHz Xeon chips. Anybody know how to get mobo/chip/internal
>>>> temps (and pref fan speeds)... my box gets noisy and I'm trying to see
>>>> if it's temp related
>>> What's wrong with simply sticking a thermometer in there? I'm talking
>>> about a remote-reading one, like those intended to feed a wire through
>>> your door or window and hang on the roofline or whatever. That will
>>> give you a calibrated temp reading, not an arbitrary meaningless
>>> number.
>> What's wrong with the thermometer supplied by the motherboard, usually in
>> contact with the underside of the die? So far, the ones I've come across
>> have been in proper working, calibrated order when tested against one of
>> those infrared thermometer gun deals.
> ??? my mobo supplied no thermometer
Depends on the motherboard. Many chipsets supported by lmsensors have
thermistors pressing against the bottom of the CPU, and sometimes another
near the system chipset, and occasionally the ability to read the
thermistor on a power supply so equipped. Pretty much everything from the
Fry's special better has thermistors these days.
Paul Johnson
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