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Re: [OT] Kernel Upgrades

André Berger wrote:
* Hugo Vanwoerkom (2007-06-05):
 André Berger wrote:
Let me give you an example to illustrate what I would like to know:
Given, kernel 2.6.22 was out, and was the latest previous
stable kernel. Is there a patch against, for an easy upgrade
to 2.6.22?
 Are you referring to Debian packages or kernels from www.kernel.org?

Sorry: the kernel.org sources.
 The latter will publish a patch against 2.6.21 when 2.6.22 goes stable.

Could you point me to a URL please? Would I have to remove the
patches 1-3 (in my example) prior to using this patch against 2.6.21?

I've been using the incremental patches from
<http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/incr/>, but they only
work "within" a release cycle (, for example). Not exactly
what I'm thinking of for my slow box.

So here:
they now have:
The latest stable version of the Linux kernel is:
and that last piece refers to:
which is a patch against the 2.6.21 kernel.
When 2.6.22 goes stable that line will read:
The latest stable version of the Linux kernel is:       2.6.22
and that last piece will refer *probably* to:
which *still* is a patch against the 2.6.21 kernel.

If I did not explain right or am wrong, get back please.


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