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Re: How to add Iceweasel file associations ?

On Fri, 2007-04-13 at 22:47 +0100, Tim Day wrote:
> If I 
>   Edit->Preferences->Content->FileTypes-Manage
> I see a list of extensions for various things (SWF, PDF, RA etc)
> but how do I add new ones ?  There's buttons to change existing actions
> or remove them, but none to add new ones.  What's the trick ?  Something
> involving /etc/mime.types and /etc/mailcap instead ?
> (Specifically, I want to get the .ram files linked from the BBC player's
> "Launch in stand alone player" to actually launch realplayer rather than
> just complaining there's no associated helper function for the filetype;
> they work just fine if I download them and provide them to realplayer on
> the command line, but it's a bit roundabout).

I'm pretty sure Iceweasel uses the shared MIME spec from freedesktop.org

If you are using a desktop environment, it should already use this, so
setting realplayer as the app for .ram files should be done through
whatever tool you usually use. If you're not in a DE, I think you can
use xdg-mime from the xdg-utils package.

Oh, and you should definitely file a bug about this, the realplayer
package should provide a .desktop file with mimetype specifications.  

Sven Arvidsson
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