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Re: Daily Updates

andy on 11/04/07 20:12, wrote:
John Hasler wrote:
Joe Hart writes:
if you're running Etch you won't be getting many, if you're running Lenny
(which is kind of hard because AFAIK it isn't all complete yet)

Lenny (Testing) is complete.  It just happens to be nearly identical to
Etch at the moment.
Thanks steef, Joe & John for the response.

If I wanted to remain current (w/out being bleeding-edge ala Sid), would I now be adjusting my apt-sources-list to look for "testing" rather than "etch" as they do now?

How risky is this on a workstation/desktop-&-music-&-Net box?

It depends how often you are going to do an across-the-board upgrade of all your packages to stay current, and I guess it depends alot on knowing what you are doing. I guess if you have to ask, you will end up learning alot!

That's what happened to me. I stayed with etch through about 18 months of testing and found every 3 months I would encounter some mind-bending problem concerning things I never knew existed. Would spend an hour or a day sorting it out with help from this list and elsewhere.


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