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Problems upgrading testing after the release of Etch


Since yesterday, when trying to upgrade my Debian box with either apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade, I get an error message saying

WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!

I'm using Debian testing and I'm pretty sure this has to do with the release of Etch yesterday. As far as I understand, this happens because I don't have the public key used to sign the packages in testing. I reinstalled the package debian-archive-keyring and ran apt-get update, but the error persists. Is anybody else having this problem? Does anybody know how to fix it? I know I can proceed with the upgrade without authentication, but I wouldn't like to do that...

The contents of my file /etc/apt/sources.list is:

deb     http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ testing main contrib non-free
deb-src http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ testing main contrib non-free

The output of apt-key list is:

pub   1024D/2D230C5F 2006-01-03 [expired: 2007-02-07]
uid                  Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (2006) <ftpmaster@debian.org>

pub   1024D/6070D3A1 2006-11-20 [expires: 2009-07-01]
uid                  Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (4.0/etch) <ftpmaster@debian.org>

pub   1024D/ADB11277 2006-09-17
uid                  Etch Stable Release Key <debian-release@lists.debian.org>

Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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