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Uninstall (nearly) everything installed after spacific date

Joe Hart wrote:
Bob wrote:
8< snip the how leave the why

As for why I'm doing this, well I have a PC which is ultimately
earmarked to be a headless MythTV BackEnd but I've been using it to
experiment with packages to figure out which ones I like for my personal
desktop and also for a couple of old P!!!s I have as MythTV FrontEnds
and would like to guests girlfriends and me to be able to surf the web
and edit a document at, consequently it has lodes of stuff installed on
it that I don't want, I was just about to reinstall Etch to clear it
when I thought this way would be an interesting learning experience and
a challenge for me, this list and apt.

Ultimately if it doesn't work I'm running apt-proxy on my file server so
a reinstall doesn't take long.

Ah ha.  Now I understand your motivation.

I have to admit that I don't have much experience with sed, so this was
a learning exercise for me as well.  Thanks Tyler.

Reading all the manuals in the world will not help one learn as much as
practical use.

My sentiment exactly

A tip for you.  Install Etch and only the base system.  Then install
only the packages you want.  You can end up with a very fast and light
system that way.  (Not implying that the default desktops are slow, but
they do IMO, contain a lot of superfluous packages)

If you want a specific list packages for a good fast KDE system, I can
help you there.


That's sort of what I'm doing, I do a base install without even going into the task selector or configuring apt sources
then I vi /etc/apt/sources.list and enter

deb etch main
# deb-src etch main
deb etch/updates main
# deb-src etch/updates main

by hand, (you may be able to guess the IP address of my apt-proxy)
apt-get install debian-archive-keyring
apt-key update
apt-get install ssh
So I can paste the rest into a terminal window from the comfort of my own desktop.

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

Get a better kernel depending on architecture
apt-get -s -V install linux-image-2.6-k7

apt-get install screen hdparm smartmontools ntp lm-sensors hddtemp sudo
then I need to edit
/etc/ntp.conf     (my firewall runs ntpd)

# Update the hddtemp.db
wget http://www.guzu.net/linux/hddtemp.db
mv ./hddtemp.db /etc/
/etc/init.d/hddtemp restart
nc localhost 7634 ; echo

# install X a windowing environment and some tools
apt-get -s -V install xorg xfce4 thunar alsa-utils xfce4-cpugraph-plugin xfce4-mixer-alsa xfce4-mixer xfce4-weather-plugin apt-get -s -V install iceweasel icedove gaim gaim-encryption gaim-irchelper gaim-themes gaim-guifications gaim-extendedprefs
apt-get -s -V install dia dcraw cinepaint inkscape xpdf mplayer

apt-get -s -V install abiword abiword-plugins myspell-en-gb myspell-en-us openoffice.org openclipart-openoffice.org openoffice.org-help-en-gb openoffice.org-help-en-gb libxrender1 libgl1-mesa-dri menu pstoedit imagemagick

then to /etc/sudoers add
ALL ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper

That's as far as I've got, so far, it takes care of most of my everyday tasks, and because of apt-proxy I can reproduce the install very fast.

I'm sure there'll be more but for the moment it's small, light and works as well on my Athlon XP 3200s which a 1GB of ram as it does (with a few omissions) on my P!!! 667s which have 256MB of ram. I haven't chosen an SIP softvideophone yet, I like ekiga but it has so many gnome dependencies that I'm reluctant to install it.

My top tip is apt-proxy has been having a *lot* of problems both generally (see the bug reports) and with my weird internet connection that allegedly requires me to use my ISPs proxy to access international sites which then appears not to like relaying local sites, is to setup your own squid proxy to beautify the internet for it and iron out some of the kinks.

Good luck.

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