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Re: Should Debian be strictly all-volunteer or should it pay dev

* Greg Folkert <greg@gregfolkert.net> [2006 Dec 22 14:50 -0600]:
> On Fri, 2006-12-22 at 15:09 +0100, IntnsRed wrote:
> > > Why beat a dead horse?
> > 
> > The poll was created to get a feel of the user community, as opposed
> > to the formal (read: scientific and valid:-) poll of developers.
> Question: Does it matter outside of Debian Developer Community?
>   Answer: It doesn't.

Your answer is correct so long as irreparable harm doesn't come to

While I am confident that Debian is built on solid principals some of
the blogs and mail postings I've read of late do give me pause.  

That said, I am hopeful that the developers will sort it out, Etch will
be released soon, and all of us, developers and users, will continue to
make Debian better.

- Nate >>

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