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Re: changing alt-tab behavior in fullscreen mode

On Thursday 21 December 2006 01:10, Kamaraju Kusumanchi wrote:
> Server : Debian, Etch, vncserver 3.3.7-13
> Client : Windows, Xp, vncviewer 3.3.7
> When I access the vnc session in fulscreen mode on the windows machine, the
> alt-tab is not being sent to the Debian machine. Pressing alt-tab just
> switches the windows on the Windows machine. How can I make alt-tab switch
> windows among the vnc session's windows? or is there any other shortcut to
> switch windows among the windows session?
> I have read http://www.realvnc.com/faq.html, googled around, searched the
> mailing list archives but could not find any solution to this problem!
> If both client, server are on the Debian's machine, then there are no
> problems with the alt-tab behavior. The issue arises only if the client is
> being run on Windows!
> thanks
> raju

I solved this problem with help from the vnc list. The solution is to install 
vncviewer 4.1.2 on Windows Xp. The server on the Debian machine is still 
3.3.7. With this set up alt-tab works as expected. As usual, <F8> can be used 
to exit the fullscreen mode!


Kamaraju S Kusumanchi

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