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reinstalling has messed up the printer configuration.......

Dear Debianists,

I reinstalled Sarge on my machine yet again and have now got it to correctly identify the DVD's and request them when using apt-cdrom add.

I am pleased with this. The solution was to load the OS with the CD set I have from the DVD drive (master) not the CD drive. The DVD drive also reads CDs. This set the default drive in the installation to be the DVD. When I used apt-cdrom add to increase the package range it accepted the switch from CDs to the DVDs.

Better still it wrote the two new DVD identifier entries into the apt sources.list file.

Even better than this when I tried doing apt-get escputil as a test, the OS requested the correct DVD image to look for this file, not one of the dreaded CD images as it had done in the last installation I did, and it correctly found and installed the utility.

I think Ihave now escaped from the tyranny of the CDs.

But there has been a price for this.

I can't seem to configure the printer properly using the foomatic gui. This used to be easy.

If you fire it up and do add a printer it prompts you with USB printer Epson D88.

It has detected my printer and correctly identified the model. It is an Epson D88.

You hit the forward key and it creates a queue name stylus_d88 and location USB Printer #1 and printer description Epson Stylus D88.

If you click forward from this you get to choose the printer make and model.

It doesn't have an Epson D88 in there as such but Ihave found that clicking on e.g Epson C82 or C86 seems to be good enough in previous installations.

If you continue with this it gives you some information about the Stylus C82 printer and tells you it can drive it perfectly.

But when you go further it can't find the correct printer driver for it as it used to be able to do automatically.

I browsed in the PPD directory in /usr/share/ppd, something I NEVER had to on the many occasions when I successfully configured the printer in previous installations and could not find a driver for any C82 type Stylus printer in the Epson folder.

I ended up using a Stylus Color 300 something (not sure what it is driver) but it didn't work...

I can send jobs to a printer queue nominally for the D88 but nothing prints.

Its as if some printer drivers are missing or somehow the foomatic beastie can't find them as it used to be able to do?

Everything else is going good and I am pleased that DVD situation now works as it should do.

My next project is to learn to use jigdo. But I can't move on to this if I can't figure out what sort of rat poison has got to the printer config......

Feeling smarter and dumber at the same time,

Michael Fothergill

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