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Re: change description on kernel-image packages?

On Mon, 2006-12-11 at 16:01 -0500, Kevin Mark wrote:
> I read about various accounts of newbies and others asking on ocassion
> about 'why is debian upgrading my kernel?'. After reading the short
> description on some of the kernel image packages, I think I understand
> why and wanted to know if others though that my suggestion would address
> this issue. The descrition on 'linux-image-2.6-k7' is 'This package
> depends on the latest binary image for Linux kernel 2.6 on 32bit AMD
> Duron/Athlon/AthlonXP machines.' While this subtly suggests that it may
> upgrade your kernel, I think the wording could be improved to make it
> dead clear. Something like 'This package depends on the lastest binary
> image for $KERNEL kernel $VER on $BITbit $CPU machines. This package
> will cause your kernel to be upgraded when you upgrade your system, so
> if you do not want your kernel to be upgraded automatically, use the
> specific kernel-image for your machine and not this metapackage.'
> The change would affect every kernel-image, on i386 this is 20 package,
> for a total of maybe 100 packages.  So it would be a 'mass bug filing'
> of a minor bug of either wishlist or normal severity.

Sounds like a good idea, just be sure to discuss this on debian-devel
before mass filing bugs,


Sven Arvidsson
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