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Re: delaying upgrades dangerous?

On Thu, Nov 02, 2006 at 09:24:34AM -0800, tom arnall wrote:
> Is it the case that the longer you wait between upgrades the more trouble 
> you're likely to have with broken dependencies, etc?
Hi tom,
it depends upon which flavor of Debian you use:
with stable, you should be able to upgrade to no problems. And upgrade
are ususally to fix security issues.
with testing, upgrades can be affected by missing dependencies that have
not migrated to testing yet from unstable.
with unstable, all bug fixes enter here first, so there is less of a
chance of the dependency not being there.

but there is a problem that affect all debian mirrors: 
old packages exists with a corresponding Packages/Sources file
when new packages are moved in, old packages are removed
the Packages/Sources file may not match while this transition is
happening. This means that if you apt-get during this period, the
Package/Sources file will want to get OLDPKG when it was just removed.
Hopefully this is an accurate description from my understanding.
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