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Re: Email programs that work.

Steve Lamb <grey@dmiyu.org>:
>  s. keeling wrote:
> > Steve Lamb <grey@dmiyu.org>:
> >>      It lacks the ability to use the SMTP interface to send mail, being
> >>  restricted to the command line to get the job done.
> > It's an MUA.  Use SMTP.
>      Exactly.  I would love to but it can't.

Mine uses exim and fetchmail all the time.

> >>      It lacks filtering.
> > Like a washing machine sucks as a dishwasher.
>      Yet filtering belongs in the client, especially if that client has
>  multiple accounts since one wouldn't want the same filters to apply to al=
>  l accounts.

Filtering does not belong in the client.  mutt's an MUA.  It calls
filtering programs to do filtering, as it should.

> >>      It lacks a decent IMAP implementation.  Hint, IMAP is not a glorified
> >>   POP.
> > Don't care.
>      You don't.  I do.  I rather like being able to read mail on my Debian
>  laptop, my WinXP Game machine or any machine with a web-capable browser and
>  get all of my mail all of the time.

So?  I rather like not having my mail held hostage to others'
ineptitude.  Once it's on my box, it's safe from others' configuration

> >>      It lacks a decent multi-account implementation.  Having to configure
> >>  every single item by hand without the concept of account inheritance
> >>  is a nightmare.
> > You have a ridiculously complicated "system" for organizing your mail,
> > and it's mutt's fault for doing what it does well.  No.
>      A rediculously complicated system?  What's so complicated about it.
>  Let's see, I have home mail and I have work mail.  I configure my home account
>  with 1 signature, 1 POP/IMAP server, 1 SMTP server.  All the mail
>  remains separate.
>   All my home filters only apply to my home mail.  I need a work account I
>  configure 1 signature, 1 POP/IMAP server, 1 SMTP server.  All mail remains
>  separate.  All my work filters only apply to my work mail.

I have three signature files, fetchmail pops from any number of
servers I tell it to, [shudder] procmail knows by reading Received:
lines where the mail came from.  Some recipes act on some IPs and some
act on other IPs.  [shudder] procmail sorts it all into the proper
incoming folders, possibly auto-forwards crap to spamcop (among other
options), mutt saves replies to the proper storage folders, ...

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)    http://www.spots.ab.ca/~keeling          Linux Counter #80292
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