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Re: Email programs that work.

s. keeling wrote:
> You have a ridiculously complicated "system" for organizing your mail,
> and it's mutt's fault for doing what it does well.  No.

Sorry for previous flame -- I cannot resist, but I am serious -- mutt is
lacking. It is not its mistake, it is by design, which has its advantages,
but it has its limits as well. Sometimes little advertised fact is that
mutt was never intended to be MUA -- it's like a kit with which you can
built your own MUA. You have to add SMTP server, filtering, IMAP
manipulation, anti-spam filtering, vfolders, and anything else you would
like your MUA to do. The result could be really good, but when you want
more than just simple things (or when you are not that classy programmer)
it's getting ridiculously complicated.

My requests were not that complicated (kmail can do it easily), but with
mutt it became really complicated -- synchronizing with IMAP folders (more
folders, not just INBOX), filtering according to body (so no imapfilter),
and of course anti-spam. That meant isync, than scripts going through list
of folders and applying procmail on each message and applying bogofilter to
each message. You have to manage proper trashing of messages (be aware,
that isync was not able work with removed messages, I had to trash them

OK, I am flawless human, but when made twice mistake in these scripts which
caused lost messages, I decided that this is twenty-first century and I
should not do everything myself. I switched to KMail and I have never
regretted it. And yes, I like that I am able to read HTML-mail (read, not

Just to explain what I meant,


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