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OT: Cats (WAS:Re: An elementary question about execution permissions)

Michelle Konzack wrote:

Create the file /etc/shutdown.allow and put all user into it (one
per line) which you want to allow to reboot.

And NO, Cecile is not in tose list!  :-(=)

I had to do this, since Cecile (my cat) had several times rebootet
my computer.  (I have configured my fvwm with keyboard support)
Our cats have never shut down the computer, but they have started programs and attempted to send e-mail. (I also use fvwm, BTW.) I usually move to a blank window and then shut the monitor off. We have at least one cat that is fascinated by the mouse pointer.

Marc Shapiro

No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow.
What?! Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here.
Boom. Sooner or later ... boom!

- Susan Ivanova: B5 - Grail

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