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Which one should I install on IBM X60s laptop? - Sarge or etch?


I would like to install Debian on my IBM X60s laptop.
The processor is an Intel Core Duo T2300.
Which release has better chances to work, sarge or etch?

Thanks for your help, Dietrich

I already tried to install DeMuDi ( http://demudi.org/ ) as I am
interested in a low-latency kernel, unfortunately without result. I then
decided to try Debian and to later experiment with low-latency patches
myself using the
http://demudi.agnula.org/wiki/Low-latencyKernelBuildingHowto . This
HowTo praises the 2.6 series of the vanilla Linux kernel. Probably this
kernel only can be used with etch?

Some internet pages concerning the IBM Lenovo X60s:

I bought the computer in Japan and therefore have a Japanese Keyboard. I
don't know it there are any other differences.

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