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Re: forcedeth: too many iterations [...] in nv_nic_irq

On Wednesday, 23.08.2006 at 10:13 +0100, Dave Ewart wrote:

> I've been seeing the error:
>   Aug 18 21:24:59 titan kernel: eth-gig1: too many iterations (6) in nv_nic_irq.
> in the logs when there is heavy network traffic on my Sarge/amd64
> system.  The error is produced by the kernel module forcedeth for the
> on-board gigabit ethernet controller.
> Suggestions I've found through googling indicate using the
> 'max_interrupt_work' module parameter and setting it to a larger value,
> rather than the default 5.
> I've done this, and setting it to 15 results in similar errors:
>   Aug 22 21:32:18 titan kernel: eth-gig1: too many iterations (16) in nv_nic_irq.
> There's no obvious misbehaviour going on, apart from seeing this
> message, but I'm concerned.

Forgot to add: this is a 2.6.12 kernel on an AMD64 system.

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Dave Ewart - davee@sungate.co.uk - jabber: davee@jabber.org
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