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cups upgrade AuthClass/AuthUser missing comments.

it finally happened after about two years of perfect service.
I upgraded cups on my server and clients.
I kept the config files the same.
And not all my printer functions are dead.

I can hit the web page at :631, but none of the links respond.
I can't find the printers on anything anywhere, even locally.

And the logs only say that everything is up and running with one exception of the AuthClass strings. Now if I take a look at the new cupsd.conf.dpkg-dist there are some examples of how to set this up locally but there is no description of how to set it up for a remote server application. Kind of a catch 22 -- the upgrade provides the fix, but it doesn't explain how to use it.

I suppose someone will tell me to RTFM. But you know what? I've actually never needed to do that for my use. I've done it in the past, but I'm not looking forward to doing it again just to add two lines in some configuration file.

More comments would have been nice.
Now I have to take a stab at what this is supposed to be and just how much of my config file I have to throw out.

I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] Listening to :::631 (IPv6)
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] Listening to (IPv4)
W [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] "AuthClass User" is deprecated; consider using "Require valid-user" on line 796. W [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] "AuthClass System" is deprecated; consider using "Require @SYSTEM" on line 838.
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"...
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] Creating CUPS default administrative policy:
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] <Policy default>
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] <Limit Send-Document Send-URI Cancel-Job Hold-Job Release-Job Restart-Job Purge-Jobs Set-Job- Attributes Create-Job-Subscription Renew-Subscription Cancel-Subscription Get-Notifications Reprocess-Job Cancel-Current-Job
 Suspend-Current-Job Resume-Job CUPS-Move-Job CUPS-Authenticate-Job>
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] Order Deny,Allow
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] </Limit>
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] <Limit Pause-Printer Resume-Printer Set-Printer-Attributes Enable-Printer Disable-Printer Pau se-Printer-After-Current-Job Hold-New-Jobs Release-Held-New-Jobs Deactivate-Printer Activate-Printer Restart-Printer Shutdow n-Printer Startup-Printer Promote-Job Schedule-Job-After CUPS-Add-Printer CUPS-Delete-Printer CUPS-Add-Class CUPS-Delete-Cla
ss CUPS-Accept-Jobs CUPS-Reject-Jobs CUPS-Set-Default>
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] Order Deny,Allow
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] AuthType Basic
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] Require user @SYSTEM
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] </Limit>
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] <Limit All>
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] Order Deny,Allow
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] </Limit>
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] </Policy>
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] Full reload is required.
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 34 types, 39 filters...
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] Loading job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] Full reload complete.
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] Listening to :::631 on fd 2...
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] Listening to on fd 3...
I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 4536) for job 3667. I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 4537) for job 3667. I [22/Aug/2006:06:12:49 -0400] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb (PID 4538) for job 3667.

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