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Re: The New Virtualizer on the Block

win4lin also

On 8/13/06, David Baron <d_baron@012.net.il> wrote:
Now we have four.
1. Vmware: Proprietary. I installed their free version and could not complete
bootup afterwards. Booted up knoppix and removed the vmware. Problem was with
those ip numbers.
2. Qemu: More of an emulater, very safe and very easy. Requires a non-free ko
to run acceptably. Knoppix boots up but not its KDE. Other lighter DTMs are
great. Dynabolic 1.* ran very nicely in qemu, 2.* no. Installed Windows 98
under qemu with only a few problems.
3. Xen. Runs patched Linux versions, that is host is virgin, guests are
adulterated to run with it :-). Have not tried it because I need it for
Windows which is not yet available and older Win98 will probably never be.
4. The new boy, apparently an GPLed Virtuozzo, vpserver. This patches the host
instead of the guests, opposite of Xen. Now offered on Debian Sid!

Some questions before or mutilate my installation:
1. How safe is the kernel patch? Anyone had to unpatch?
2. How generic is it? (They offer prebuilt kernel images based on previous
versions 2.6.16, not 2.6.17--can I patch the latest and greatest?)
3. Will it run Win98 or does it only work with Linux guest kernels?

Anyone used it, had success or not?

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