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Re: RAID10 on Debian (or RAID0 on top of RAID1) - possible?

Justin Piszcz wrote:

On Wed, 9 Aug 2006, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:


How can I set up RAID-10 (or RAID-0 on top of RAID-1) using the Debian installer?


Seeing how RAID-10 is still experimental in the kernel, the installer will probably not support it for awhile. I'd suggest you either install Debian onto a single disk and then migrate the data to a raid10 or boot off of a CD that has raid10 support in the kernel, create your raid and then restore the data onto the raid10.

Yep, that's what I was afraid to hear :(

I'm trying to set this up on Thecus n4100 - it's a NAS device (600 MHz, ARM CPU), so I can't connect any CD-ROM, and as it's not the fastest machine, it'll probably take some time to get everything working...

Tomasz Chmielewski

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