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Re: mysqld is being killed by the kernel (in the parlor with a candlestick)

Kevin Mark wrote:

   Swap:   104416k total,   102804k used,     1612k free,    67228k cached

Here's a snapshot from top while the php4 app is processing the upload.

top - 12:01:20 up 366 days, 5:38, 1 user, load average: 1.03, 0.94, 0.59
   Tasks:  94 total,   3 running,  87 sleeping,   0 stopped,   4 zombie
   Cpu(s):  97.7% user,   2.3% system,   0.0% nice,   0.0% idle
   Mem:    240108k total,   236860k used,     3248k free,     3276k buffers
   Swap:   104416k total,   104416k used,        0k free,    31444k cached
    5020 www-data  20   0 21088  17m 4724 R 97.4  7.5   0:09.89 apache2

Has anyone run into this problem? My head is sore from beating it against my desk. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Hi Roan,
well the kernel is doing what it is supposed to do: kill a process when
it eats up all the memory. The 2nd top snapshot shows that 99% of real
memory and 100% of swap are being used. Maybe try to create more swap by
making a parttion or using the 'swap file' technique or of course
getting more RAM? Not sure how to address the issue if this is not it,
as I am not a MYSQL expert.
Hi Kev,

Yes thankfully it killed the process, instead of the server going down. I would have some people hounding down my phone.

So far it looks like more swap is the solution.  Thanks for you help.


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