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Re: vmstat doesn't show me the swapped out processes column

Which version of manpages?
I found many manpages on internet that show the 'w' field under procs:

But I found also manpages which do not show the 'w' field:

The reason is the procps version as I found here:
http://procps.sourceforge.net/changelog.html , changelog 3.2.1:
> ps: STAT flags for swapped out process dropped (was broken)

I have a new procps version 1:3.2.7-2, and my manpage isn't up to date (but I have the last manpage package 2.35-1).

Anyone have an alternative to see how many processes are currently swapped out, since vmstat support for that option is broken?

Wayne Topa wrote:
daniele(spam@modena1.it) is reported to have said:
I read on the documentation and on internet that vmstat should show a column named 'w' under the header 'procs' which counts the number of swapped out processes.

The man page for vmstat on my etch bos does not show that.  Only the
r: and b: fields.

vmstat part of procps version 3.2.7-2 here.

Well, I can't see that column on my output (all other columns are ok).
What can I do to have vmstat report it?
In which other way can I see swapped out processes?

Haven't a clue as the man page only shows
  si: Amount of memory swapped in from disk (/s).
  so: Amount of memory swapped to disk (/s).


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