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Re: Wrong encoding since fresh etch install

"Alexandre B." <alexandre@linuxfr.eu> writes:

> my /etc directory got corrupted few days ago, so I had to reinstall my
> Debian system. I choosed to switch from sid to Etch. You must know that
> my /home directory was not touched by the corrupt thing (it was on another
> partition).
> But then, I couldn't see the correct names for directories in my /home.
> So I decided to check for the locales set, and they were wrongly pointed to
> fr_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8
> so I unticked it and choosed
> fr_FR@euro ISO-8859-15
> like it was before.
> But now I still can't read filenames containing accentued character in
> my /home, and it's even worse : I can't even type accentued character with
> dead keys (I'm using us_intl keyboard map), all I got is 2 squares
> like "??"...

What is the output of "locale"?  What are the contents of
/etc/environment and /etc/default/locale?

Which terminal are you using?  VC, xterm, something else?  What
console font and charmap/ACM are you using?  Is the console in UTF-8
mode?  Does running unicode_stop or unicode_start fix things?

> So my questions are :
> 1. How can I know which encoding were used for those dir ?

Try this script (dirent-encoding):


set -e

cd $1

for file in *; do
  echo "Encoding of $file:"
  echo "$file" | file --mime -

For example:

$ /tmp/dirent-encoding /tmp/
Encoding of zman8suFIu:
/dev/stdin: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Encoding of zzzzß:
/dev/stdin: text/plain; charset=utf-8

> 2. How can I fix this encoding pb for all my system, taking into
> account I _don't_ want to use utf-8 but latin-9 ?

Once you provide the above information, it will be easier to say.

There are good reasons why Unicode/UTF-8 is being made the default
encoding for etch.  While Latin-[1-15] will continue to be a supported
configuration, you should consider converting fully to UTF-8, because
UTF-8 is the present and future on GNU/Linux, and having a standard
universal character set makes a lot of sense.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux             http://people.debian.org/~rleigh/
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