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Re: Installation problems

Stephen Cormier wrote:
> You can use "apt-cache search linux-image smp" without the quotes and it
> should show you the available smp kernels to install I'm sure there is a
> way to search this using aptitude but I never have used it. Once you find

aptitude search 'linux-image smp'

> a suitable one then "aptitude install linux-image-????-smp" would install
> it from the command line using aptitude then of course reboot and choose
> the newly installed kernel from the list presented by Grub/LILO depending
> on which you are using. BTW which image did you use to install a 32 bit or
> 64 bit one or does your chip(s) support 64bits.

If you want to use version which is not available in binary form in debian,
then you can install linux-source package (again -- aptitude search
linux-source to see what's available). That will dump you patched tarball
of linux sources into /usr/src. Install kernel-package and you will find
more instructions in /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README.gz. Briefly it

1) Install all required packages (you will find a list in that README, yes,
you want initramfs for kernels newer than 2.6.16, and yes you want
2) and then (as normal user)

cd /usr/src
tar xvjf linux-2.6.17.tar.bz2 # or however the tarball is called
cd linux-2.6.17
cp /boot/config-`uname -r` ./.config # to get your current configuration
make menuconfig # to change configuration -- or just let it be for now
make-kpkg --revision custom.1 --rootcmd fakeroot --initrd kernel-image
cd ..
ls linux-image*.deb # that's your new shiny package of Linux kernel
su -c 'dpkg -i linux-image*.deb' # to install it

Does it work?


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