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Re: System Quits Responding-Swap Issue Or What?

--- Kent West <westk@acu.edu> wrote:

> Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> > Runing unstable on a Dell dimensions XPS T450 with
> 128
> > Mb Ram and 384 Mb Swap Partition on a 13 Gb HD. I
> run
> > KDE with usually 4 or 5 session Konsole windows
> open
> > and the Mozilla browser and perhaps an embedded
> modia
> > player open-nothing else. Before a few minutes
> pass(<
> > 5 min.), the HD starts making noise, reading and
> > writing, then the mouse becomes
> unresponsive(clicking
> > anything wont respond for several minutes) and may
> > even disappear(pointer) for a minute of so. After
> > several minutes pass(maybe 15-20 min.) the system
> > begins to respond normally again after the HD
> slows
> > down it's read/write activity. During the total
> time
> > this phenomena is occurring, the system is totally
> > useless. Can't even shut it down.  I don't know if
> > this is even a swap issue or what to do about it
> or
> > whether it may be a virus infection or some setup
> > issue. It is totally unacceptable and I could use
> some
> > serious help in pinning it down and getting it
> fixed. 
> > Please copy my email address as I'm not
> subscribed. 
> >
> >   
> I'd start by seeing if it happens with another user.
> In a different windowing environment.
> In a simple X session (twm or icewm, etc)
> In console without X running at all.
> In single-user mode.
> Then I'd post the results here.
> -- 
> Kent
Thanks for the reply.
I have 3 users, two very basic trying to get embedded
mplayer to work, and it occurs on all. Sawfish and
Metacity wont load. Debian gnome is no longer
installed (sid and aptitude decided I no longer need
it) but the few times I used it, it did the same.
Don't have TWM and ICEWM installed and never used
them. Never have been able to use xinit or startx but
after putting a stop on kdm, they workded from tty as
root. But all the time, I was doing this and ever
since composing this reply, the HD was running
rampant. It just now has stopped while running kde
mozilla with startx. Downloaded, installed TWM with
xinit which was very slow and stopped at points in the
install process using a vt and the HD still running
constantly. Rebooted into single user mode but the HD
activity had already stopped and usually once it does
I have no more problems for a while unless I leave the
computer running for a long time. Haven't used single
user mode much and may have not used it as you wanted.
When prompted I selected control-D instead of giving
root pwd for maintenance. Never could get twm to run.
Always got "could not start display for whatever I
used for -display dpy. I used xdm, kdm gdm, X, X:0.0
and X11 all yielding the same error message.
Hope this answers all, if not, be glad to try more
with more specific how tos. In, short, once the HD
activity stopped after about a hour, it hasn't
restarted. Took about 3 hours to compose this reply
mostly due to the delay during the HD activity.

Leonard Chatagnier

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