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GRUB Reboot Loop


A couple of weeks ago I installed Debian Stable (3.1) on a PII 400Mhz with a 80GB harddisk, everything worked fine. I had to replace this harddisk with a different one (also 80GB) and I did this by cloning the original disk to this new one with HDClone 3.1. After replacing the harddisk, the system doesn't boot anymore: when I should see the GRUB Boot Menu, the system just reboots. So now it is stuck in a reboot loop.

The exact boot process is as follows:
- System POST
- I see 'GRUB Loading stage1.5.' and 'GRUB loading, please wait...' for about half a second.
- Reboot

I am sure the HDClone 3.1 program works flawlessly because I have used it before (on linux systems) and it has never failed. Furthermore, I have had this problem before on an entirely different system, right after the Debian installation (so on that system I never had even one correct boot with GRUB).

How can I solve this problem? One fix might be to install LILO instead of GRUB, but what is the best way to do this? I replaced GRUB by LILO once before, and after that, everytime I would install a different (home made) kernel, I had to adjust the lilo.conf and run lilo manually, so I would like to avoid that. If it is possible, I would like to keep GRUB...

Thanks in advance!

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