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Re: Recursive copy to udf-formatted dvd-ram freezes system

Eckhard Kosin wrote:
Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
Eckhard Kosin wrote:
        But if I try to recursively copy directories to the udf-formatted
cp -r /some/dir /media/cdrecord than after a few seconds the system freezes totally - only a power
        off/on to reboot is possible.

Also check the output of syslog.

The system freezes a few seconds after starting the copying and after
reboot there is no specific entry in syslog.

Maybe you could also try cp -rv to see if any files get copied.

Are your filenames in accordance to UDF's specifications? I'm not sure about UDF, but for CDs not any filename that is allowed for ext2 is also allowed on the CD.

Does this have anything to do with you switching on and off the DVD drive? Unlike hard disks, cd/dvd writers have a large buffer. My dvd-ram continues to 'copy' for minutes after the console is finished with it, ie. it writes the data to buffer and then writes the buffer to disk. If I switch off the device during that, it hasn't finished writing and then (of course) damages the UDF filesystem as well.

I would try to reproduce the behaviour with a brand new DVD-Ram disk and without tempering with the on/off button.


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