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Re: kernel 2.6.17 and Realtime-lsm-source

On Thursday 13 July 2006 09:43, itom wrote:
> hi all, I've installed linux-image-2.6.17-1-k7 and I want to use the
> realtime-lsm module for using realtime features needed from Jackd
> there is a particular procedure to install it?
> I've tried without success "module-assistant install realtime-lsm"
> thanks

May I suggest simply typing m-a in a terminal, which should give you a 
menu-based front-end for module-assistant. Using this you can easily go 
through the steps required for building and installing the module.

Otherwise, the procedure is:

#m-a update

which checks which module packages are already on your system; and

#m-a a-i realtime-lsm

(auto-install) which ensures you have the kernel headers and other necessary 
packages installed, downloads the module source if needed, then builds and 
installs it. Simple as that!

One little quirk I've noticed on my system is that a freshly-built realtime 
module won't load at first until I reboot. It's fine after that.



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