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Re: resolv.conf changing at boot -- solved for now at least

Don Jackson wrote:
> After recent upgrades in etch, I found my Firefox, Thunderbird, etc.
> waiting long periods for apparently DNS lookup (10-20 seconds every
> time). This is happening on two different computers which were upgraded.
> I find that my original entries of two nameservers in my resolv.conf
> file are being wiped out every time I boot.
> I have a router (D-Link DI-604) and several computers on my LAN.  The
> router is  That is the address the resolv.conf file is
> being changed to for nameserver on bootup.  By restoring (editing) the
> resolv.conf file to the proper nameservers of 214.134.xxx.yyy and
> 214.134.xxx.zzz. then everything works fine (no significant delay for
> DNS lookup)...until next time I reboot and they're back to
> in resolv.conf.  (and the 214.134... entries missing).
> Can anyone point me to where/what is happening here?  Maybe I have a
> misunderstanding of wherein the problem lies.  The DI-604 router shows
> the 214.134... nameservers correctly when I look at it.  These are
> nameservers provided by my ISP.  I have not changed anything recently
> that I could imagine would affect this.
> (I do not have "resolvconf" installed -- as mentioned in some past
> messages on this list.)
> Thanks,
> Don

Thanks for the several responses on this.  I have "fixed" my problem for
the time being by following the suggestion of several by installing

My understanding of the total situation is still not clear (and may
never be) and I see that it appears to be not only a very large "can of
worms" but also an emotional topic as well.  Just to document (not that
anyone cares... ;-)   ...

I was hesitant to install resolvconf since in searching past archives on
the resolv.conf problem, the resolvconf package was mentioned many times
AS BEING THE CAUSE of problems and it was suggested uninstalling it and
the links it created.

The other problem I had with this situation is that everything had been
running smoothly for months, I had changed nothing recently with either
router or Debian "etch" installation on either computer, when suddenly
on Monday (May 22) both computers started having the DNS lookup delay.
(The computers are periodically upgraded to latest etch however.)

I found that by restoring my resolv.conf file to what it had been
several months ago (from a backup) with the often suggested procedure of
putting in the actual nameserver IP address, the lookup delay problem
went away (until reboot).  This suggested to me that it was not an ISP
change or problem.  Since both computers in question are dual-booting to
seldom-used Windows 2000, there was not a delay problem at all with
Win2k.  Again, showing not an ISP change or problem.  Back with etch and
the delay... pinging a domain name gives about 10 second delay between
"pings".  This is not the case after installing and configuring the
resolvconf program.

Thanks again for the help and advice.  I'd still love to have a pointer
or two to a good "howto" on really how one should set up a rather simple
system such as mine relative to the DNS nameservers the "correct way"
(instead of any "workarounds").  Or is it just a big can of worms?



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