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Re: sshfs?

#include <hallo.h>
* jpg [Tue, May 09 2006, 10:44:58AM]:
> Hey List,
> Trying to get sshfs to work on my 'sarge' box.
> Installed sshfs, added root to the fuse group, then attempted to connect to
> remote machine that has sshd, with sftp extension, and get:
> # sshfs remote_host:/<remotefs>  /<localmountpoint>
> Password: 
> FATAL: Module fuse not found.
> fusermount: fuse device not found, try 'modprobe fuse' first
> # modprobe fuse
> FATAL: Module fuse not found.
> Nothing in man page describing needing to have a fuse module.
> Nothing in /usr/src/linux- about fuse

Because 2.6.12 is pretty old and did not include fuse at that time. Try
"module-assistant prepare" and "m-a a-i fuse". Or upgrade the kernel.


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