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moving the boot harddrive to a different IDE cable/position

Hello all,

I have an installation of Sarge, being used as a web server primarily, on
hardware originally designed as a Windows desktop machine.  This was
installed on a spare disk we had sitting around, after some sort of drive
failure on the previous running system.

So we left the bad disk in place (on the primary data connector on the
first IDE channel) in the hope of being able to recover it later; and the
new disk is on the secondary data connector on the second IDE cable (the
one that also goes to the CDROM), and is sitting unfastened in the open
case.  The new disk thus shows up as /dev/hdd .  We never did recover the
old disk, but have done some restore-from-backup and some site-re-creation
on the new installation, and are ready to go forward with that and forget
the old disk.

Now I'd like to properly fasten down the new disk and close up the case,
etc.  Probably the old disk should be taken out and the new one put in its
place, in the main drive bay and on the main IDE cable.

.... Now it's booting from /dev/hdd1.  Will it detect that there's no
drive there anymore and choose the drive it does find?  Or should I
prepare it beforehand?  I haven't previously dealt with re-targeting the
booting.  Is there more to it than editing the menu.lst file?

Currently the bottom of the /boot/grub/menu.lst file looks like this:

## ## End Default Options ##

title           Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.4.27-2-386
root            (hd0,0)
kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.27-2-386 root=/dev/hdd1 ro
initrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.4.27-2-386

title           Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.4.27-2-386 (recovery mode)
root            (hd0,0)
kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.27-2-386 root=/dev/hdd1 ro single
initrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.4.27-2-386


Can I just imitate these entries but make it /dev/hda1?

Would it be better to just change these, or to leave them and add copies
edited to use dev/hda1?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give,

   == Mitch

Mitchell Marks
CUIP & WIT Tech Coordinator
CUIP: Chicago Public Schools / Univ. of Chicago Internet Project
WIT: Web Institute for Teachers
http://cuip.net/cuip  http://tech.cuip.net/  http://wit.uchicago.edu/wit
5640 S Ellis Ave  AAC-007, Univ of Chgo, Chgo IL 60637

Phones: Area 773  (O) 702-6041  (F) 702-8212  (H) 241-7166 (C) 620-6744

Email: Primary address: mitchell@cuip.net
        CPS: mmarks@cps.k12.il.us
	Alternate UofC addresses (use especially to report problems with CUIP\WIT mail!):
           mitchell@cs.uchicago.edu and mmar@midway.uchicago.edu
	Off-campus (ISP) address: mmarks@pobox.com

 Broken windows, empty hallways,
 Pale dead moon in the sky streaked with gray
 Human kindness is overflowing
 And I think it's going to rain today

  Written by Randy Newman, first recorded by Judy Collins (1966)
  11 cover versions listed at http://www.secondhandsongs.com/song/1417.html

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