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Re: How do you grow a pineapple in non tropical areas?

On Thu, 30 Mar 2006 16:21:00 +1000
Daehenoc <daehenoc@optusnet.com.au> wrote:

> Hex,
> Hex Star wrote:
> > How do you grow a pineapple in non tropical areas?

I must.rewrite.question.and.answer.the.rewrite....

surely you actually want to grow coconuts in a non-tropical area. So first you need to build a green-house...

there are many sources for coconuts shoots that can be planted. you'll need some artificial lighting in the first season or so to help them get started. 

oh and, never grow pineapples in the same greenhouse as your coconuts.

google is your friend, btw.


> I've got this great recipe for a quiche:
> You cook this great big quiche, with semi-dried tomatoes and feta and
> olives and onion and cheese, then you throw the f'n thing out the window
> and go eat a great big steak, right?!
> To everyone else: Sorry, I've had too much caffiene today...
> Hex: JFGI.
> G
> p.s. I would eat the quiche and the steak
> -- 
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