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help needed to setup logrotate

	hello all,

       I would be gratefull for some help in how do I manage the log out put 
of a demon that I am running. The demon in question is Bttrack  T-0.3.13 
(BitTornado), running on a sarge install at home on a adsl line. The out put 
logs are directed to /var/log/bttrack.log  What I want to do with this log 
file is to have 7 days worth of out put that rotates from  bttrack.log.0 to 
bttrack.log.6 and for the logs from bttrack.log.1 tbttrack.log.6 to be 
compressed to  .gz format. and the bttrack.log.0 to be uncompressed.

I been trying to get syslog or logrotate to do the job but no luck yet.  In 
the dir /etc/logrotate.d I added the file bttrack and in that file I placed 
the lines :

/var/log/bttrack.log {
        rotate 7

 	With the idea that this would do the job, but no luck again. I had similar 
attempts with configuring /etc/syslog.conf to manage the log out put of 
bttrack but again no joy there as well. I have been reading up on what I 
should be doing but I still can not see what the method is yet.

	So any positave adive well be more than well and any pointers to some howto 


			peter colton

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