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updating drivers for an ATI card

Hi all, I have installed Debian several times in a row trying to get the xwindow system to work. It tried many different things like:
aptitude install xdebconfigurator
aptitude install x-window-system
apt-get -f install x-window-system
(and of course) startx

I would either get an error saying directory does not exist (or something along the lines) dependency errors of modules I could not have installed in the first place because of my debian dvd. Anyway, after I finally figured out that my debian dvd was bad, I downloaded the ISO (via jigdo) again and installed it using my video card that is integrated into my motherboard. Its a generic nvidia card. Anyway, using this card I was able to get xwindow running fine and dandy. However, I reinstalled my better video card (its a genuine ATI X800XL for the record) and while trying to run xwindow, it would give me errors saying that it was unable to autodetect my video card and various other things. IT has become clear now that the reason why xwindow was not running was because of my video card. I found on ATI's site a Linux driver update.( Clicky clicky ) however it only says it's "stable" with Redhat and something else. If all possible, could somebody please give me a quick lesson on getting modules for debian like this onto a cd and installing them? I tryed to simply put it on a cd and run base config and scan it for modules (packages) but it then asks me for a Debian cd. Somebody please help me if all possible with this.

various info
video card: genuine ATI X800XL AGP
1 gig of ram
stable release of debian on i386 dvds
dual boot win/debian

Remeber! a sad face is a happy face! :D
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