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Re: Adding GNUsTicker

On Sun, 2006-03-12 at 16:16 -0500, Darryl Clarke wrote:
On 12/03/06, B.Hoffmann <dark.project@virgin.net> wrote:
>            Thank you, this did the trick and I got a bit further this time, but now it's complaining about
>  checking for headers required to compile python extensions... not found
>  configure: error: could not find Python headers
>  I guess I should use a distro that comes with all this by default, like Debian?

It's all readily available in ubuntu.

python-dev is the package name.

When compiling anything, chances are you'll need a handful of -dev
packages.  Whenever it complains about something missing look for it.

Ubuntu is based on debian, so they share the same packages, just not
the same default configurations...  And, AFAIK debian doesn't install
very many (if any) -dev packages by default either.

~ Darryl  ~ smartssa@gmail.com
~ http://darrylclarke.com

Ah ok. Would you know by any chance which package would satisfy "configure: error: could not find Boost python headers" ?

I'm sorry it looks like you have to walk me through this but can only use apt-get at the moment and not Synaptic so if I don't know the proper package name - nada.

Kind Regards,

Linux User #398054

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