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Re: Graphics Drivers (I'm new to Linux)

travis.newton@starcomputing.cjb.net wrote:
> Hello fellow Debian Users!
> I'm new to Linux and I heard good things about Debian so I decided to give
> it a try. I've actually been meaning to try it for over a year now, but I
> went ahead and downloaded the net install and got it installed.
> However, my previous Linux encounters were just tests and never lasted
> longer than two weeks. My goal is to migrate over to Linux and start doing
> 90% of my work on Linux (the other 10% requires Windows).
> But during this migration over, I've hit a brick wall. I need to get my
> NVIDIA drivers installed. I've figured out after 100 searches what to do
> and found a person with the exact same problem as me. I unfortunately lost
> the link, but I did manage to scribble down some instructions.
> Here's my problem: I need to get the kernel source to get the NVIDIA
> drivers in. I'm using Debian 3.1, the latest.
> Thanks for any help. I've found myself going in circles on the net trying
> to get these drivers installed!
> Best regards,
> Travis Newton

Follow the instructions on this page:


Roberto C. Sanchez

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