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Re: NEW USER set-up assistance

On Fri, 2006-03-03 at 08:54 -0500, Jacob W Tennant wrote:
> I need some help in setting up my newly installed debian system. It is a net 
> install system with all of the latest packages running Gnome desktop.

what release are you using? sarge (stable), etch (testing), or sid
(unstable) ?

> My problems are,
> 1. The video display will only let me use up to 800x600 size whereas the 
> same monitor under WinXP would work at 1024x768. So how would I go about 
> correctly setting this in the base config?

is this a laptop?

there are a bazillion ways to configure X. here is how i do it:

search the internet for your monitors horizontal and vertical refresh

$ lspci -vv | less -S 
search for the video hardware, look at the chipset

# dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (for testing/unstable)
# dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 (for stable)
choose the chipset that matches what you found above.

a lot of times people are using too deep of a default color depth and
they cannot get to a higher resolution. try using a 16 bit color depth
(instead of 24) and seeing if that helps get to your desired resolution.

> 2. SOUNDCARD - When I activate sounds in Gnome desktop all I get is a 
> pulsating growl. Sometimes I get no sound at all except a faint beep. I use 
> the soundcard heavily as a ham radio operator to decode and transmit RTTY 
> signals.

please post:

# lsmod

$ dpkg -l | grep alsa

> Any help would be really great as I am a complete idiot to linux even after 
> reading some books on it this is my first attempt at using it exclusively.

-matt zagrabelny

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