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Mepis --> Debian migration

A quick word of warning.

I was very positively impressed with Mepis 6 , which I used to set up a
machine lacking a net connection (from a cover disk!).  In some ways it is
neater than Knoppix.  So this is not intended as a criticism of Mepis.

In the past I have migrated more than one sstem from Knoppix to pure
Debian, with no serious glitches.  I thought the same was happening with
the Mepis 6 install moving toward etch.  Then I removed dhclient3 (in
order to try dhcpc-client -- not important why) Aptitude  required one of
the now unused Mepis admin packages to be removed because it was dependent
on dhclient3.  While I was there I removed a couple of other Mepis-only
things.  Two minutes later ai came back to the computer to an empty
package list on aptitude!.  It had cleared /ets/apt/sources.list!

So, anyone else going this way:  back up your sources.list before cleaning
out unused Mepis admin stuff.  Sorry, I don't know which Mepis pkg it was.



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