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Re: VIA epia box does not "see" onboard ethernet after reboot

Joao Carlos de Lima Roscoe <joao.roscoe@magnetimarelli.com.br> writes:

> I have two VIA epia boxes. One is an epia5000, and is running
> ipcop, using its onboard ethernet (Via Rhine) and an adittional
> PCI SiS ethernet board; the other is an epia M6000, and is running
> sarge, headless - its a disk / subversion server.
> Both boxes run 24h/day - boots/reboots are rare. However,
> when I need a boot, *sometimes*, both machines are unable
> to load the Via Rhine module.


> Does anyone (else) faced ethernet problems with these boards?
> Any suggestions?

Well, yes...

I have an M6000 (firewall/server with a home-grown iptable) and had to
replace the PCI ethernet card several times before the card was detected
every time.  I do not remember which cards were problematic, sorry.

Another thing was that udev assigned device numbers (eth0/eth1) randomly
to the NICs, so I had to use a mapping section in
/etc/network/interfaces.  I am not sure if this is still the case with
                                                    Jens Peter Secher
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