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(OT) Can't get upstream Thunderbird to send http:// to upstream Firefox

I am running Sarge and have the Sarge packages for Thunderbird and Firefox installed. If I click on a URL in an e-mail the link opens in Firefox.

I just DL/d Firefox 2.0 because my wife used it at work and really liked it. I untarred the file in my home directory to try it out. It picked up all of my bookmarks and configurations and everything seemed fine. I then moved the firefox directory from my home directory to /usr/lib/ and changed /etc/alternatives/firefox to point to it. I left /etc/alternatives/mozilla-firefox pointing to the debian version so I could start either one. I also changes /etc/alternatives/x-www-browser to point to the new version. I could then start either version (though not both at the same time) and all seemed to be going well, until I tried to click on a URL in Thunderbird (still the debian version). Nothing happened. I also found that it no longer worked even if I had the debian version of Firefox running. I then DL'd the new Thunderbird (1.5.x) from mozilla.org and tried it. No luck. No combination allowed URLs to open in Firefox when clicked in Thunderbird.

Then I changed /etc/alternatives/x-www-browser back to point to the debian version of Firefox and I could get the URLs to open correctly if I had debian's Thunderbird and Firefox running, but only then. Obviously, thge debian versions are working fine and playing well together, but I would like the new versions. Does anyone have a direction that they could point me in to get the upstream versions working (preferrably with each other AND with debian versions).

I see that mozilla-thunderbird is available at backports.org, but that firefox 2.0.X is not. Besides, with all of the licensing issues, once Etch goes stable if I upgrade to it, then I might not have debian packages for either Thunderbird, or Firefox. I've given up on trying to outguess debian and mozilla on that subject and I don't want to be caught in the middle of it. If I just use the mozilla.org packages then I know what I have to work with and don't need to worry about rebranded packages and licensing issues.

Marc Shapiro

No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow.
What?! Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here.
Boom. Sooner or later ... boom!

- Susan Ivanova: B5 - Grail

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