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Re: Compiling a kernel

* John O'Hagan (johnohagan@iprimus.com.au) wrote:
> Hi Patrick,

Hello John,
> I always compile my own kernels the Debian (testing) way like this:
> -Install the latest Debian linux-source package (currently 
> linux-source-2.6.17); or you can use vanilla source as you describe
> -Make a symlink /usr/src/linux to the resulting 
> folder /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.17 (is this step still necessary?)

I have wondered this too.  I always do it, but it seems like I read
something somwhere suggesting that it is not needed.

> -Configure the kernel
> -In /usr/src/linux, run "make-kpkg buildpackage kernel-image" (there are other 
> options, in the man page)
> -Install the resulting .deb packages in /usr/src with dpkg -i

Will I still have to configure grub?  And will update-grub work or
will I have to manually edit menu.lst?  I am still getting the hang of
grub.  It was never a part of Slackware and so I had become very
comfortable with lilo.

> - Reboot into your new kernel
> This will build a kernel without an initrd, so you must compile in all drivers 
> for the the boot disk(s). Or use the --initrd option.

I prefer to go without initrd myself.  Just seems a tad faster, though
probably my imagination.
> If you are recompiling a kernel with the same version name, you must 
> move /lib/modules/[$KERNEL_VERSION] out of the way (you are warned if you 
> forget!), or you can use the --revision or --append-to-version options to 
> avoid this.

This is new to me.  Will these flags stop clobbering of my modules?
If so, that is a very cool feature.  I forget to move my modules at
least half of the time and it really stinks.  I think it is because in
Slack since I was going from a 2.4 to a 2.6 it never seemed to
matter.  I am going to do some reading on this.

Many thanks for the help.


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