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How to activate PHP5 with latest apache2.2.3 on Debian unstable

Dear all,

after the upgrade of apache 2.0 to latest apache 2.2

  euphrat:~!54> dpkg -l apache\* | grep '^ii'
  ii  apache-common          1.3.34-4 support files for all Apache webservers
  ii  apache2-mpm-prefork    2.2.3-2  Traditional model for Apache HTTPD 2.1
  ii  apache2-utils          2.2.3-2  utility programs for webservers
  ii  apache2.2-common       2.2.3-2  Next generation, scalable, extendable web se

I am unable to activate php5 -- which I had to install for dependency
reasons.  Allthough the php5 module is activated in apache, php-pages
do not get interpreted at server side.

  euphrat:~!55> sudo apache2ctl -M
  Loaded Modules:
   core_module (static)
   log_config_module (static)
   logio_module (static)
   mpm_prefork_module (static)
   http_module (static)
   so_module (static)
   alias_module (shared)
   auth_basic_module (shared)
   auth_digest_module (shared)
   authn_file_module (shared)
   authz_host_module (shared)
   authz_user_module (shared)
   autoindex_module (shared)
   dav_module (shared)
   dav_fs_module (shared)
   dav_svn_module (shared)
   authz_svn_module (shared)
   dir_module (shared)
   env_module (shared)
   include_module (shared)
   mime_module (shared)
   negotiation_module (shared)
   php5_module (shared)
   rewrite_module (shared)
   setenvif_module (shared)
   ssl_module (shared)
   status_module (shared)
   suexec_module (shared)
  Syntax OK

What am I missing since I have symlinked php5.load and php5.conf to

Thanks for any hint and help!

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